Nicole Westbrook Performs Viral Hit 'It's Thanksgiving' on National Television

Nicole Westbrook is the holiday gift that keeps on giving.

Since her Turkey Day anthem, "It's Thanksgiving," became a certified viral hit on YouTube with nearly eight million views, "Access Hollywood" invited the 7th grader to perform the tune on national television.

Also read: 'It's Thanksgiving' - But It Feels Like Rebecca Black's 'Friday' (Video)

While the music video is as comically bad as Rebecca Black's "Friday," the youngster's live version is just bad.

So bad, in fact, it's actually hard to watch and not feel guilty for snickering at her expense. But don't feel too guilty though. The only person who put Nicole up to this is herself -- and maybe her parents. And probably producer Patrice Wilson, who also produced "Friday" and seems to have nothing better to do with his life than prey upon the hopes and dreams of untalented singers with an overwhelmingly strong desire to become famous.

To the wannabe pop star's credit though, her vocal range is more impressive than Wilson's (oh, oh, oh yeah, he takes the stage too) and her enthusiasm is kind of adorable.

Even though Nicole might look back at this video -- that shall forever live in internet infamy -- and cringe, she shared some very wise words that the world wide web's nasty commenters should take to heart. "Be grateful, not hateful," when these goofy gems get uploaded. Watch the train wreck below

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