‘The Expendables 2′ Poster Has Y Chromosomes to Freaking Spare

Do you know what the polar opposite -- the actual inverse, the reciprocal, the photo negative -- of the famously overstuffed "New Years Eve" poster is? How about this poster for "The Expendables 2," or EX2, as it's inevitably going to be called? Holy cow, right?

We are looking at the poster in 310 pixel width, and we're going to see if we can actually read all the names on the top, like an eye chart. Let's see:

Hemsworth? Is that right?
Van Damme.
and Willis.
and Schwarzenegger.

We love that this is a movie with so many people in it that you are required two "AND" at the end of the credits. And wait: Who's that Hemsworth again? Oh, it's not Thor: It's his little brother. Good on him. He doesn't get his picture on the poster, though, joining COUTURE! as omissions. Sorry, guys!

Also, unless it's a Photoshop mistake, it appears Arnold is the only person on the poster not carrying a gun. Arnold don't need no damned gun.

Seriously, there's so much testosterone in this poster that we're pretty sure that, at some multiplex somewhere in America, either Charlie Theron in "Young Adult" or War Horse just got pregnant.

(Update! We think that MIGHT be a little gun Arnold's holding. And yes: There is an "also" and an "and" and a "with." This is a well-conjugated movie poster!)

Stallone! Willis! Arnold!! Chuck Norris!!! An exclusive look at the Expendables 2 poster! [JoBlo.com]